SALAmand3r’s arsenal of destruction
This section will cover weapon retextures - need to do some killin’? You’re in the right place.
Thanks to Tevemaci for prototyping several parts, including the IHWT procedures
War. War never changes.

This section is intended to go into a new separator. Create a SALAD (or whatever, less silly name you choose) separator and place this in there.
The retexture list is intended to just be followed start-to-finish, although you are absolutely free to pick-and-choose. I just happen to feel this gives the most cohesive setup.
The add-ons list is wholly optional. These are all weapon mods I use and fully enjoy - all of them are definitely recommended.
For TTW users, Phil Swift has created a Wabba-based visuals replacer. It should cover essentially every weapon in the game and is a great time saver for those who don’t want to pick and choose!
I still recommend perusing this page for any add-ons you may want.

Retextures and lore-friendly replacers
If you simple install these in order in your new separator, you should get correct results. Some of the mods have specific instructions - please read them.
TTW-only mods are noted. For others, use TTW versions when available.
WTH - Weapon Textures from Heaven
The most broadly compatible pack - and it generally looks amazing. TTW users should grab the .32 rifle patch as well. This is your baseline coverage.
Weapon Retexture from EVE
Again, a baseline coverage mod for energy weapons not covered eleswhere.
Weapon Enhancement Pack (TTW)
Covers a few FO3-specific weapons. DO NOT USE ANY OPTIONAL FILES. They will break your game.
R91 and Friends (TTW)
Covers the standard assault rifle, Infiltrator, Wanda, and the Perforator - excellent retextures all around.
DKS and Friends
Covers the sniper rifle, including unique and TTW variants. Again, top notch work.
Shovel and Friend
Who’d have thought this even needed a texture?
10mm Pistol and Friends
Use the NV or TTW version, depending on your setup.
Combat Shotgun and Friends
Use the NV or TTW version, depending on setup.
C.A.R and OUR Friends (TTW)
Lever Action Rifle and Friends
10MM SMG and Friends
Double Barrel Shotgun and Friends
Another Millenia - Chinese Pistol Replacer for (TTW)
Light Machinegun Retextured
Rarely used, but might as well, eh?
Dead Money BAR retex
I don’t know if anyone even uses this gun, but here’s a texture anyway.
IHWT - Improved Heavy Weapons Textures
Hide the meshes folder, and all textures with names starting with: tesla, plasma, 1stpersonplasma, 1stpersontesla, nvdlc051stpersonplasma, nvdlc04redglare, 1stpersonnvdlc04redglare, dlc03tesla, dlc031stpersontesla. This process is mandatory, as several of those either conflict with other packs or are just broken.
saltex Holorifle
More glowy bits and a steampunk-inspired aesthetic. I’m biased, but I like this one.
Mothership Zeta Crew Weapon Retexture (TTW)
You need to open the mod in MO2 and make a copy of the file named "dlc05alienpistol.dds” (inside the 1handpistol folder), rename it to "dlc051stpersonalienpistol.dds” then paste it back to the 1handpistol folder and let it overwrite.
Millenia Double-Barrel Shotgun Replacer for TTW
Great replacer for the Point Lookout double barrel - highly compatible and equally recommended.
Physically Based Plasma Rifles
Another Bale instant classic. Be aware - although this uses a scriptrunner, it also uses default file paths for the meshes. For the non-technically inclined, this means it must load after anything else that touches the plasma rifles, including Lumen. If you aren’t seeing these ingame, make sure nothing is overwriting the .nif files.
Physically Based Blaster
Another goldie from Bale. Not just for TTW.
saltex Plasma Pistols
Covers the standard plasma pistol as well as TTW’s MPLX Novasurge.
TTW Weapons Retextured
Includes the Cryolator and Railway Rifle.
Maybe lesser-used weapons, but no less critical for them to look good. This takes care of that.

Scripted replacers
Meant to overlap above - these are all scriptrunners, so the exact order of install (or in MO2’s left panel) doesn’t really matter.
Built on Millenia’s excellent work, which is now a community resource.
Don’t ask what it means, but these are some high-quality replacers. You will want to avoid any that rely solely on plugins - scriptrunner implementations are superior.
Any that have ESPs that need to be disabled will be noted, and scriptrunner patches noted. Do not use the 4k optionals.
WAP Gauss Rifle
Use the version appropriate for your install (TTW for TTW, YUP for VNV).
WAP 12.7MM Pistol
WAP That Gun and 556 Pistol
WAP 357 Magnum Replacer
WAP F4NV Laser Pistol and Pew-Pew
TTW users should use Bruhed's Radically Made TTW Patch
WAP F4NV Recharger Weaponry
WAP Varmint Rifle
Use the Scriptrunner patch here. DISABLE the ESP.
WAP AR Series Replacer
You will NEED to unpack the BSA to use this one - ADVANCED USERS ONLY. No support provided for this specific mod. Use the Scriptrunner patch here. DISABLE the ESP.
WAP Cowboy Repeater Series Replacer
Use the Scriptrunner patch here. DISABLE the ESP.
WAP Hunting Rifle
TTW users - this will not replace the FO3 .32 rifle. I prefer them to remain visibly distinct. You can edit this scriptrunner to work with the .32 rifle as well, but you’re on your own for that.
F4NV - Anti Material Rifle Replacer
Excellent stuff - DISABLE the ESP and use the scriptrunner patch.

The last few
These will cover the last few vanilla weapons.
Melee Pack
These can be a bit overshiny with RTR, however I still think they look great. DISABLE the plugin.
A Fire Axe Replacer
Vanilla Shishkebab Retextured by spankboy20
FO3 mod, works fine in NV and TTW.
Baseball bat Retexture
Melee Weapon Replacer Pack
While I recommend this personally for qualitative consistency, it does change some things significantly (for instance, the tire iron becomes a climbing/survival axe). Use at your discretion.

WEapon Add--on Packs
These are weapon add-on mods that I feel both work well visually with SALVO, but are also all very high quality mods. I recommend all of the following, however this is a pick and choose section.
ZL Armaments Remastered
Excellent set of classic modded weapons - remastered and re-released by the OG author themselves - excellent addition!
Another Millenia
Another mod based on Millenia’s weapons - top notch weapons, and top-notch implementations. The shop and supplemental mods are also great to have. Has a complete weapons shop, over a hundred uniques to find, and is just overall amazing.
Another Millenia Gun Add-on
Even more of above.
A pack of Tactaghouls various weapons. Great stuff, especially for end-game players. Get the hotfix as well.
T60P - Power Armor Sidearm
A well-made endgame weapon, whether you liked the show or not.
Fallout TV - The Ghoul's Handcannon
Another show-inspired fun weapon.
Tesla Weapons Pack
Unique energy weapons with a great aesthetic. You will want this patch to avoid some visual glitches.
Photon Laser Weapon Pack
Another set of energy weapons - all great stuff.
VIP - Shotguns
Great set of shotguns for shotty fans - make sure to read the Article on the mod page for install instructions.
Project Nevada Legacy - Tesla Rifle Prototype
Like the ZL weapons above, another weapon resurrected from the ashes that are Project Nevada. Recommended.
WAsteland Exotic Aresenal
As a boomer, I may not understand the names and references, but as an NV player I appreciate some well made, well integrated weaponry - recommended. Absolutely baller set, now in an AIO.
TTW Roachkiller - Unique BB Gun from Dad
Obviously for TTW players. Awesome early unique weapon.
Classic Fallout Weapons Remastered
THIS IS A SOFT ENDORSEMENT- I do not use it any longer myself.
DO NOT USE ANY OLDER VERSIONS OF THIS MOD. This is an great add-on pack that adds and properly distributes dozens of classic weapons and unique variants. The textures however are extremely inconsistent in terms of quality.
Use if you are nostalgic, but personally I no longer strongly recommend it.