Add-ons for great justice

This first section must be installed before generating LOD Or Using Pregenerated LOD.

New Vegas Pre-LOD Recommendations:

Mojave Scenery Overhaul

Lived In All In One

Make sure to install patches for other mods on this list.

Freeside Facelift Lite

Simple Open Strip

The Strip 2023

Lucky 38 Lights Redone

Lucky 38 Exterior Remastered

L38 Exterior Compatibility Edition

Strip Cinematic Lighting Overhaul

Strip Lights Region Fix

Choose the NV or TTW version as appropriate.

High Priority LOD

This will help with memory and performance in many NV areas. You will also NEED the remastered quarries patch, and the TTW patch if using TTW. These are both present on the mod page.


TTW Northern Greenery

Fuch’s Run

These are my recommended add-ons for a vanilla+ experience.

They are not required if you generate your own LOD, and may necessitate additional patching depending on the rest of your mods.

They are required to use SALVO pregen LOD.

If simply installing on top of a VNV or TBOT setup, conflicts should be minimal.

I have left out most of the larger scale New Vegas worldspace additions like NVLOR for two reasons. First, they often require substantial patching. Second, they contribute heavily to memory crashes.

You may add some of these, but I cannot provide support.

Determining Load Order

Assuming you have followed VNV/TBOT, the mods to the left can be easily sorted.

For the setup as recommended, these just need to be in the correct relative order.

Freeside Facelift Lite, Simple Open Strip, Strip Cinematic Lighting Overhaul, and both TTW add-ons are ESMs and will generally automatically end up exactly where they need to be.

The Lucky 38 mods should be ordered as shown in MO2’s left panel. Regarding Load Order, they should be as follows:

  • Nuclear LOD

  • Strip Lights Region Fix.esp (from VNV)

  • Lucky 38 Lights Redone.esp

  • Lucky38ExtRemasterNew.esp

  • High Priority LOD

  • VNV LOD Guide Plugins Merge

  • High Priority LOD patches

  • TTW Fallout 3 LOD (for TTW)

  • TreeLOD_MFO

  • Output.esp (or SALVOLOD)

  • Weather mods


SALVO is intended to work alongside my H2O NVR preset. The screenshots in this guide are using H2O in most cases. Please read the mod page requirements carefully!

The below mods are suggested but not required - most shouldn’t be too picky on load order, but always check conflicts in xEdit.

Not all requirements are listed - check the requirements for ALL add-on mods you choose to install.


The biggest single upgrade to visuals you can do is all within the actual game systems.

Weather mods are more than just weather - they can also determine exterior lighting, tint, and even things like distant fog or depth of field. Some weather mods will also effect interior lighting.

Luckily, these days we have great choices in terms of weather mods for New Vegas.

My personal recommendation (almost all of my screenshots use it) will be Desert Natural Weathers. It’s the most complete and modern weather mod currently in existence. It has the additional advantage of fully supporting all DLCs and TTW, and with minimal tweaks can be made compatible with Frontier. It also has hefty customization options for fogs, night darkness, and a host of other options including removal of weather you may not like. I recommend taking some time to customize.

If you are using my H2O NVR preset, you will need DNW with Neutral Weathers on top.

I do not recommend Nevada Skies. While it is theoretically being maintained, there are more modern options that generally offer better results.

TTW users are also free to experiment with DC-only weather mods like True Weathers and Vibrant Weathers.

You may also wish to try Cloud Upgrade NVSE for additional immersion. I do not recommend Cloud Shadows from the same author - that mod is basically “dumb” and isn’t related to actual cloud/sun position. Rather it just brightens and dims exterior lighting at seeming random to simulate cloud shadows, and the effect is very jarring.

Weather mods will always go LAST in your load order, except for very specific exceptions that will be noted.

Other Stuff (all recommended)

You may have several or most of these from other guides - check for duplication before installing!

Remember to check the requirements for these mods!

High Res Local Maps

Allows the game to render local maps in the PipBoy at a higher resolution.

Fallout Alpha Rendering Tweaks

Fixes some issues with the way transparency effects were rendered, allowing things like vaporization effects to work as intended.

Fog-based Object Culling

Performance boosting mod, very useful.

Aqua Performa

Another performance increaser.

High Resolution Water Fog

Fixes the stair-step effect when viewing submerged objects.


Corrects moonlight position - required for using NVR.

High Resolution Screens

Allows ingame screens like the PipBoy and terminals to display at native resolution, giving a much crisper look. You’ll almost certainly want to make sure you’re following a UI guide to maximize the effect.

Real Time Reflections

The most impressive of the bunch - adds the capability for realtime cubemaps in the engine. This means dynamic reflections on many types of shiny objects. This does require modders to apply certain flags to meshes, which hasn’t been done in any real quantity yet. I recommend using the bOverride = 1 setting in the ini to allow it to apply to all env mapped objects (i.e. things that are supposed to be shiny). I also recommend bScreenSpaceInterior = 1 - otherwise performance can drop to single digits in some interiors.

If you notice reflection “pop in” on surfaces (usually most noticeable on cars and the Megaton bomb if you’re playing TTW), make sure the following are set in the [Display] section of your falloutcustom.ini:


Anyone using B42 Optics will want this patch.

If you use H2O, it has customized settings for RTR built in.

Landscape Texture Improvements (FNV - TTW)

Helps a ton with landscape seams. Highly recommended.

All of MissingMeshMod’s player homes

Seriously. They are all great.

All That Glitters…

These are a set of mods that add incredible lighting to both objects and weapons fire. While they may in some cases impact performance, they also give a huge boost to the look of the game, especially in firefights and darker settings.

It may seem that many object in the world produce light. But in many cases, only the object itself glows - it’s not casting light on the surroundings. These mods change them to actual light sources that interact with the surroundings.


Lumen adds true lights to a large amount of objects in the world. From lanterns to computer screens to the tips of plasma rifles, they’ll all cast a glow to the surrounding area - and with NVR, they’ll even cast shadows (point shadows must be enabled in NVR).

Especially if using my H2O NVR preset, the LLL version is strongly recommended as well as the Lumen Essence add-on.

Afterglow -- Neon illumination

Similar in concept to Lumen, but for various neon signage in New Vegas. Looks amazing, and has a patch for LightBright Strip Overhaul. Same deal with NVR - the lighting will cast shadows and look phenomenal.

Window Ambient Light at Night

Does what it says - fantastic addition.

Better Fire Barrels - ESPless

More lighting and nice things. The PERFORMANCE version is recommended for many reasons.

Energy Visuals Plus 2.0 - NV and TTW

Similar to Lumen, but adds lighting to energy projectiles, flames, explosions, and more. While again it may seem that the vanilla game has “light” for these objects, again in most cases only the texture or object itself will glow - it doesn’t cast light.

As with Lumen, NVR’s point shadows will interact correctly (and spectacularly) with this mod.


Energy Visuals Plus 2.1

Patch for EVP to alleviate some crashes and other bugs.

TTW - Robco Lights

Adds lights to TTW robitts.

TTW - Megaton Lighting Overhaul

Guess what this does.

Expansion - Armor

No, not an expanding belt line, but instead an expansion of clothing options. This section is optional, and includes replacers.

For TTW users I highly recommend STARS TTW instead of this section. It is incredibly complete, although also rather complex. While it also changes balance, which may rub some the wrong way, it adds so much variety to the game, TTW users should definitely at least try it.

Spice of Life

A classic, with a reworked plugin from Sweet6Shooter. If you are using a vanilla body instead of the Type required by original Spice of Life, you can use Jokerine’s vanilla conversions instead. You’ll still need Sweet’s plugin. If you use B42 loot and experience crashes, there is a set of fixed meshes available on my discord.

Classic Combat Armor Replacer Redux

Significantly changes the look of combat armor, but is also incredibly high quality. There is a TTW version here, which also includes several other armor type replacers.

Combat Armors Replacer (NV - TTW)

An alternative for those who don’t want the classic design, but still want to freshen things up a bit.

Classic Fallout Metal Armor

This is a replacer I basically always recommend - I really despise the look of vanilla metal armor.

Classic Fallout 2 Metal armor Mk II

Also one I always recommend, for the same reasons.

Titans of The New West 2.0

Makes power armor look how it should. Will require extra patching for the PAVE including in SALVO, but the standard patches should work fine.

I cannot support Titans installs - you’re on your own for this one, since it can get tricky.

Expansion - Monsters

Horrors of The New West

Controversial remodel of deathclaws. Personally I feel the look is much more appropriate.

Tactics Midwest Deathclaw Replacer

ALTERNATE to the previous mod - If you’re in the mood for a different take on Deathclaws, more in-line with Fallout Tactics (and in some ways, the original concept art for FO1), this is an absolutely excellent mod from Webb.

However, if you do want to mix and match all these deathclaw replacers and see some regional diversity in their appearance, considering the following mods as well -

Tactics Midwest Deathclaws Lonesome Road Only Patch

The tactics deathclaws will appear in LR, the rest of the game will be the Horrors (or vanilla, as the case may be) versions.

Tactics Midwest Deathclaw - TTW Replacer

Same as above, but for the DC areas in TTW. You can combine both of these mods for ultimate differentiation.

Menace of The New West

Significant overhaul of super mutants to bring them more inline with the classics. Very subjective, but at the very least the one-handed firing animations for larger guns are amazing. TTW patch is available here.

Securitrons On Alert

This mod improves and colorizes Securitron faces.

NV Securitrons Lip Sync

And this compliments the last mod by adding animated mouth movement.

Securitron HD

A guide exclusive, special thanks to macintroll (proof of permission upon request). Hands-down the best retexture of Securitrons available. This is included in SALVO, however if you use either of the above mods, you will need to install this as loose files overwriting those due to texture changes.

Another Ghoul Variant Mod

Another excellent Arccharger mod that adds multiple new ghoul variations throughout the wasteland - some of these can be very challenging.

PARCS TTW Pack Of Arcs Random Creatures 'N Stuff

Arccharger adds another must-have for the monster section. This one is for TTW users, and adds a ton of new variety as well as new weapons, recipes, and locations. Challenging, but highly recommended.


Close Quarters Combat

From Psychor - enhanced melee combat to something actually fun, plus gives you a solid reason to use 3rd person in melee. Highly recommended. Dovetails nicely with several of Psychor’s other mods changing combat and movement animations.

Enhanced Movement

Covered in VNV and WSG, but great cornerstone movement mod.

Anniversary Anim Pack

Covered in the other guides, but you should always have this is your baseline pack. This will cover anything that doesn’t have a specific kNVSE animation set up.

Enhanced Locomotion

Covers all locomotion - recommended.

Idle Variety ESPless

NPCs will have varied idle animations and movement.

New Vegas Animation Overhaul - Guns

Finally, a true AIO animation pack with the latest and greatest animations from the best of the bunch.

New Vegas Animation Overhaul - Melee

Another AIO, this time for melee. These are the two you really want.

FNV Clean Animations - Grenades Pack

Add-on to cover grenades!

FNV Clean Animations - C4 and Bottlecap Mine

More explosives covered.

Oddball Add-ons

B42 Loot - Animated Physical Item Pickup

Not to everyone’s taste, but I enjoy the animations. Note this can cause crashes with some meshes. I don’t know the reason. For crashing with Spice of Life armors, there is a patch available on my discord.

B42 Interact

Again, not for everyone, but I find again it adds immersion - make sure to download the special Hitman packs linked on the mod page.

B42 Inject

As before, not for all players - however, especially with MUX and playing in Hardcore, I appreciate that it makes Stimpacks (and other drugs) function more like later Fallout games.

Reforged Platinum Chip - B42 Interact Compatible

Added in this section since this is pretty much the only time you will ever see it.

Face, Body, and NPC Overhauls

This section is completely at your own risk. Body and face mods are an incredible pain to patch.

If you have followed the SALVO guide exclusively, and have used no other armor replacers, you can generally get away with these without issue, but again I do not and cannot offer support for these - even less than support for anything else in the add-on section.

Use of body replacers may break some SALVO components like Physically Based Rangers. You will need to install Physically Based Rangers manually in addition to its presence in SALVO, loaded below your body mods.

TYPE4 - Body and Armors

You may wish to use the various modesty and alternative outfit patches. While this is generally one of the most compatible options (especially with modern face and clothing mods), many won’t be a fan of the revealing designs.

Improved Vanilla Male Body

More compatible than above, has a modesty version built in. Best option for male bodies.

Character Expansions Revised

For NV only players, this is the best NV character overhaul. Works very well with CKR below.

TTW NPC Overhaul

As above but preferred for TTW players.

Character Kit Remake Faces, Hands, and Teeth

Recommended overall. You will need lots of facegen patches for any mods adding or changing NPCs - use the Requirements dropdown on the CKR main page to locate all the available patches.

DO NOT USE CKR HAIR. Due to the complexity of the meshes, CKR Hair will contribute to frequent memory crashes.

Special Thanks To




































LT, Rika, Kazo, NoBark, and the TTW Team






















Many, Many More


Special Thanks To 〰️ Pr0bability 〰️ Shabby 〰️ Mathieu 〰️ Conzo 〰️ Kamchatka 〰️ TheMany 〰️ FireKahuna 〰️ Wall_SoGB 〰️ Vish 〰️ Biggie 〰️ Arccharger 〰️ FusionPrime 〰️ Jamesticle 〰️ Tevemaci 〰️ Audixas 〰️ Cytiene 〰️ Callen 〰️ LT, Rika, Kazo, NoBark, and the TTW Team 〰️ RoboCoyote 〰️ Sqepticism 〰️ SkankingFuchs 〰️ Anro 〰️ Audley 〰️ Norvito 〰️ lufusol 〰️ InTheGrave 〰️ ZealotLee 〰️ Cloudisms 〰️ Many, Many More 〰️

You’ve Reached The End

Thanks for taking the time to view this guide!

Thanks to all of those who have helped over the years.

While this is the final planned iteration of the guide, I am not leaving the New Vegas modding community.

I may have future projects, and almost always have something exciting on discord (see link on top of every page!).

See you in the Wasteland.

Special Thanks To




































LT, Rika, Kazo, NoBark, and the TTW Team






















Many, Many More


Special Thanks To 〰️ Shabby 〰️ Pr0bability 〰️ Mathieu 〰️ Conzo 〰️ Kamchatka 〰️ TheMany 〰️ FireKahuna 〰️ Wall_SoGB 〰️ Vish 〰️ Biggie 〰️ Arccharger 〰️ FusionPrime 〰️ Jamesticle 〰️ Tevemaci 〰️ Audixas 〰️ Cytiene 〰️ Callen 〰️ LT, Rika, Kazo, NoBark, and the TTW Team 〰️ RoboCoyote 〰️ Sqepticism 〰️ SkankingFuchs 〰️ Anro 〰️ Audley 〰️ Norvito 〰️ lufusol 〰️ InTheGrave 〰️ ZealotLee 〰️ Cloudisms 〰️ Many, Many More 〰️


SALSA - Aural Bliss