Before you begin:
SALVO is built around a running and fully configured game.
Before adding this into your mod setup, make sure you have followed one of the primary guides below, as well as the supplementary performance guide.
TTW users are also encouraged to grab any additional mods desired from the Wasteland Survival Guide.

New Vegas players should start with VNV as a baseline. DO NOT follow the LOD section.
Tale of Two Wastelands players should start with TBOT as a baseline. Again, do NOT follow the LOD section.
TTW players looking for a deeper modded experience may wish to explore the WSG.
ALL users should fully follow and complete the performance guide.

You will need approximately 100gb of hard drive space free.
If you are following guides that include optimization mods separately (e.g. MAC10, ITEM, NVMIM) or any other loose-file texture mods, disable them or they will interfere with SALVO visuals. All critical mesh fix mods are already included within SALVO, in the correct overwrite order.
Create a working folder on your chosen drive. It must be called SALVO, and must be in the drive root (e.g. C:\SALVO or D:\SALVO or F:\SALVO or whatever - it MUST be called SALVO and it MUST be in a drive root)
Everything downloaded in the next section will end up there.
Most of the process will be automated and will require little input, however due to the nature of the process, you will have to download a large number of mods from the Nexus. I have no way to automate this. I recommend Nexus Premium while doing the download portion.
The next page is an unfortunate consequence of how long the NV modding scene has existed and how many various mods are needed for visual consistency.
You will need EVERYTHING listed for the process to work. I recommend ctrl+clicking the links section by section - open the section dropdown, ctrl+click the 10 links therein, and start those 10 downloads. Close the browser tabs once you start the downloads, collapse the guide section, and do the same with the next.
Staying organized is key to executing the process successfully.
New Vegas players may notice several TTW/FO3 focused mods. NV does use a massive amount of recycled FO3 assets, so most of these will apply to NV, and are required. There are 3-4 mods that only have use within TTW, however it’s not worth creating a wholly separate process to save downloading a handful mod mods and saving under 50mb of space.